We’re dedicated to philanthropy that conserves land and wildlife, expands economic opportunity, and spurs discovery.

We support the Wyss Institute at Harvard’s use of biotechnology to solve some of the most challenging medical problems.

Our Wyss Scholars Program helps develop the next generation of leaders in conservation.

Grants in the Spotlight
Inspiring the next generation of leaders
Wyss Fellows & Scholars
The Wyss Fellows Program provides campaign experience and training for future conservation leaders, with the Wyss Scholars Program supporting the graduate-level education of a new generation of leaders in land conservation.

Supporting innovative, lasting solutions that improve lives, empower communities, and strengthen connections to the land.

The Wyss Foundation works with the Berger Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization that advances policies through advocacy, grassroots organizing, and lobbying. Berger provides support to organizations that advocate for policy solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems: the biodiversity and climate crises, income inequality, and health disparities. Learn more at bergeractionfund.org. Both organizations prohibit grant recipients from using funds to support activities connected with federal, state, or local elections.