Innovative, lasting solutions


Photo Credit: Mike Beckner

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Since its establishment in 1998, the Wyss Foundation and its partners have helped local and Indigenous communities, national governments, land trusts, and non-profit partners permanently protect more than 120 million acres of land and more than 3.2 million square kilometers of ocean. These lands and waters are now conserved in perpetuity for current and future generations to enjoy and explore.


Grateful for the opportunities, education, and innovative spirit of the United States that helped launch his own career, Mr. Wyss is committed to helping ensure that everyone has the chance to pursue their dreams and fulfill their potential. The Wyss Foundation works to achieve this goal by investing in programs and initiatives that expand economic opportunity and help more Americans enter the middle class.


Mr. Wyss’ passion for innovation and discovery runs throughout his philanthropy. As part of its work to expand economic opportunity, empower communities, and build the next generation of leaders, the Wyss Foundation supports groundbreaking research to shift paradigms, bridge divisions, and solve some of our world’s most pressing problems. The Foundation has committed resources to support education and training, the arts, and medical exploration.


Wyss Foundation partners have helped protect an area of land nearly the size of Spain and an area of ocean nearly the size of the landmass of India.


Innovative, lasting solutions that improve lives, empower communities, and strengthen connections to the land.

Learn more about our grants


 The Wyss Foundation works with the Berger Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization that advances policies through advocacy, grassroots organizing, and lobbying. Berger provides support to organizations that advocate for policy solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems: the biodiversity and climate crises, income inequality, and health disparities. Learn more at Both organizations expressly prohibit grant recipients from using funds for partisan electoral activity.

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