Grateful for the opportunities, education, and innovative spirit of the United States that helped launch his own career, Mr. Wyss is committed to helping ensure that everyone has the chance to pursue their dreams and fulfill their potential. The Wyss Foundation works to achieve this goal by investing in programs and initiatives that expand opportunity.
The Wyss Foundation’s work to expand economic opportunity and empower communities includes:
Expanding economic opportunity and reducing inequality, such as by promoting fair lending practices and policies that help families save and build wealth.
Helping build a society where women are empowered and have equal opportunities.
Supporting a democracy that is inclusive, fair, and compassionate, such as by ensuring humane treatment of refugees and immigrants.
The Wyss Foundation’s investments in these areas focus on helping develop lasting, innovative solutions. Our grantees include the United Way, Center for Budget and Policies Priorities, and the Center for American Progress.
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The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities works to design and promote policies at the federal and state level that promote racial and economic justice, reduce poverty and inequality, improve health, and broaden opportunity. For example, the Center has worked for decades to strengthen and expand the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for working families and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). In 2018, the CTC and EITC together lifted 5.5 million children above the poverty line, more than any other economic support program. More recently, the Center played a lead role in securing temporary expansions of the credits in the American Rescue Plan Act, which will lift 4.1 million more children out of poverty and cut child poverty by more than 40 percent.